mmmm heady nuggets
Technology is the new pornography. Watch as Man surrenders the world to the machines he created.
gambling... another vice to add to Mac's list. I'm only here for a short
while, lets see what trouble I can stir up!
we have amassed a group of 7 party kids rolling down the streets od
downtown sf
since amy's car didn't get towed last night (a first), the great gods
decided it'd be fitting to have her window broken and certain pearl
white electonics stolen out of it. 1 x 40gb iPod. 1 x 1gb iPod shuffle
(UK flag skin)
omg this party was crazy, just google back this title for the real info
Amy's car has now been towed three times in less than three days.....
someone please alert Guiness to this blog, I think we're on our way to
a new World & Olympic.
we've decided to take our new found friend along with us on our
adventures for the rest of the week.
Watch for these balloon holders in coming pics. Whoever makes the best
comments will win the bra filled with whipped cream and cherries on top
(for nipples)
look what we found in our suitcase! these do not belong to amy as you
can see.
a LeeChi martini- $14,
cab ride to find lost car- $12
something something something- priceless